The Fanos Light Children Support Inc. Afterschool Program was officially launched on 10th of December rand we are very excited to begin the program in the New Year and working with these youth and their families.
We are very excited and looking forward to work with these children , youth and their families. The Program is designed with the purpose of offering a safe space, resource, educational aid materials, and the support these children may need. That means TFLCS Inc. is offering a place where these children can come and study, relax, play, interact , and engage in various activities geared toward their learning and development. We are offering books, computers and tablets, and some educational aid materials. We are also offering programs and services that would support their growth and development. We offer tutoring , mentoring , and programs related to their interest and passion.
We have observed and witnessed some exciting and inspiring moments during the last two weeks. We have seen some excitement, enthusiasm from these kids who came to our program. We have seen them participating in some of the programs, activities, games, we organized, we have seen the level of engagement during the activities . off course we have seen and observed some of the challenges, and the short comings of our program as well, but we are hear to work hard with what we have to create an environment that forester learning. I am just here to share with you some of the progress we made and the plans we have for the New Year.
I want to take this opportunity to thank and appreciate the wonderful work of TFLCS Inc. and SEP team who worked tirelessly for this to happen. I believe nothing of what we accomplished through TFLCS Inc. would not be accomplished with out the support and hard work, dedication of these members and volunteers. Especial thanks to Dinu Rajapakse, Sheila , Le, Anna, Mimi, Aniola, Umu, Dena , Catherine and Nadia. I want you to know that I am so grateful to you all , and want to assure you that together we can do more to support children and youth education here in Winnipeg and beyond.