The Fanos Light Children Support Inc. Afterschool Program was designed with the main purpose of supporting children and youth education. We believe we can support children and youth education by providing them a safe space where they can come to study , to relax , to learn through interaction , reading , play and other activities we will plan in the program. We also believe we can support these children and youth by providing them the resource , the tolls , and other educational aid materials. We also believe we can support these children by providing a support system that will support their learning , growth and development. We believe we can achieve these objective by providing tutoring, mentoring, and programs related to their interest, inclination and passion.
Therefore, based on these ideals and goals the TFLCS Inc. team and volunteers has been working hard with compassion , sacrifice , dedication and responsibility, off course with patience. We have seen trying various activities and programs based on the above objectives.
In the last few weeks we have been trying to incorporate reading and design it science activities. We are here we provided books to read. Then once they finished reading the books they read or part of the book they read , we asked them to tell us about the book they read through writing or through art. In the process we will provide them paper , pencil , pen , markers , and some other art materials that they can use to tell the story. The purpose of this activity in essence is to help them improve their reading skills , because we know reading is a skill and we believe they can improve their reading skill and also build their reading stamina , which is to read for long with focus. We have seen some encouraging moments in our reading program and we will keep working to improve their reading experiences by providing more books and by providing other resources.
The other main thing that we have been trying was, introducing the idea of design it science. We know that science plays a huge role in the development of our world , or solving problems that we are facing in this world. Therefore, we decided to introduce the design it concept and work with these students. What we did we we bought a lots of materials that can be used to design and built and we give them some idea and asked them to design and build soothing. We have seen some wonderful works and moments during these programs. We have seen them thinking , planning, exploring to see what materials I need to build , we have seen a lots of interaction and collaboration , and working together. We have seen discussion to solve problems , to better work and improve the things they were working on. Its very inspiring and encouraging for us because that is the whole idea and the purpose of these activity.
We are hear to do our best to provide the recourse , the martials and the support these children and youth may need to learn , grow , and become successful in their studies and their life. I want to take this opportunity to extend my thanks and appreciation to TFLCS Inc. team and volunteers who are working hard with diligence and patience to support these children and youth and our program. We are grateful to you all and we believe together with a bit of compassion , sacrifice , dedication and responsibility we will bring a difference in children and youth education.