It’s been a while since we launched our Afterschool program for the 2022/23 season, and it has been quite a journey. The first two weeks we spend more time to welcome children and youth and volunteers to TFL, in addition to our weekly programs and activities. We spend time discussing, reflecting and planning with the purpose of making TFL programs better, and we are grateful to all who participated. We talked about what makes the Fanos Light, and we talked about education, values, we talked about our programs, we talked about things we must do to make the program better, we talked about our challenges, and limitations. We underlined that TFL is a community of learners where we all come to learn, and to grow with the learning opportunities and the resources, the tools we are given. We understand that we are all learners in various level, stages in our learning journey, and we said we are all learners and want to make the Fanos Light as a place of learning where we come to acquire knowledge, skills and values.
It’s a fact learning comes from anywhere and it can happen any times, we know that we learn from in our homes, in schools, in communities as large. We learn by reading, writing, interacting, and listening, we learn by observing, exploring and discovering new things, we learn through various means and ways. We believe we come to the Fanso Light to learn more and expand our knowledge, values, and our experience by creating a learning environment. At the Fanos Light we believe all children and youth have a talent, and potential to be successful academically and other aspects of life. We believe we are here to create that environment that is conducive for leering and growth, we know children and youth lean better by being engaged in hand on activities, that is why we design program related to that, design it science and art program, we believe children and youth can lean by reading, writing and asking questions, and that is why we designed reading , writing program , we believe children can learn better by interacting, asking questions and sharing their thoughts and ideas , and that is why we design mentoring program where we all come together to ask questions, discuss and share our thoughts and ideas, we offer these children to learn and understand some of the values we hold at the Faos Light , we believe in dedication , effort, responsible for our own learning, diligence in what we do , aspire to learn new things.
We have been running our afterschool program two days in a week, Tuesday and Friday. We have the program @ Ethiopian Cultural Center and @ the University of Winnipeg. It’s very inspiring and encouraging to see kids who are able to come to TFL and engaged in learning through the programs we designed. We have seen some moments of learning, we have seen creativity, effort, and curiosity from these kids and that is very inspiring for us @The Fanos Light. We have also noticed some of the challenges and continue working to resolve these challenges and help more kids to come to our programs. We are excited, motivated and inspired by all the good works and the progress we made together, and we believe we can improve more.
At the Fanos Light we believe we are all learners, and we can lean, and grow and become successful as individual. We believe in all children and youth and all the volunteers and board members. We know the task at times could be difficult and challenging for learning itself is a process and we all learn in different times and ways. We know that the task at times difficult for it requires, work, dedication, effort, and also involves failures, in fact continues failures, but we embrace it for its part of learning as well. We are here to create an environment that foster learning and growth, we are here to build a community of learners and then share our knowledge and experience with other community of learners. We are here to create that environment, to support, guide, provide the resource and the tools and a learning opportunity that would inspire curiosity and desire for learning. We believe in the talent and potential of every child and youth we are here to support and guide and inspire learning. We believe together we can do better; we believe together we would bring a difference in children and youth education with a bit of belief, compassion, sacrifice, dedication and responsibility.