The Fanos Light Education and Virtues is a charitable organization founded in Feb 2019 in Winnipeg, Canada under the name The Fanos Light Children Support Inc. This organization was designed with the purpose of supporting children and youth education in Canada, Ethiopia and beyond. At The Fanos Light, we believe in the power of education to change and transform learners and their futures. Children and youth need access to education, educational aid materials, resources, and support systems to succeed in their studies and personal lives. The Fanos Light has designed several programs aimed at mobilizing knowledge, experiences, and resources to improve access to education and educational outcomes. We utilize theories and principles of teaching and learning that will meaningfully engage and impact children and youth development, learning, motivation, and aspiration. Additionally, we focus on raising awareness regarding access to education, resources and support systems and mobilizing those who believe in the power of education to make a difference in the sector.
The Vision
“Our vision is to see a generation that is equipped with proper training, knowledge and virtues.”
The Mission
To provide children and youth access to resources, tools, supports and opportunities to help them succeed as students and individuals | To educate and inspire positive change through teaching and engagements | To create learning environments that facilitate learning, growth, and development | To encourage, engage and equip children and youth to believe in their potential, and the endless possibilities ahead of them.
Our Values
Belief | Compassion | Sacrifice (perseverance) | Dedication | Responsibility | Diligence
Effort | Learning | Honesty | Creativity
We have been working to achieve the objectives and the goals we set as organization. That means we have been working to improve our program and services as we continue working and assessing the need of our students. We specifically have been working to improve our existing programs and working to develop our organizational capacity to serve our students and the our community better. Its true the more capacity we develop , the better programs and service we would develop , that means the better service we would provide to our students and the community. Therefore, we have been working to access the resource and the finance we need improv our services and to develop our organizational capacity. We have been applying for grans that will help us achieve our objectives. We applied for some grants in the last few years and got some grants from the government of Canada to buy the resources and the tools we needed. The grant we received helped us to run a successful afterschool program in the 2020/21 school year and we are very grateful for we revived our first grant.
Once we were able to design and run our afterschool program , our next objective as organization was to sustain these programs and services. Basically our next objective was not only sustaining these programs, but also improving and diversifying them. The other objective we set was working to improve our organizational capacity by improving the structuring the organization, by developing our human resource in various ways. Therefore, we wrote many grants proposals and applied for funding to get the funding we need to develop our organizational capacity. This was not an easy process for we applied many times , but we did not succeed grant we need for our organizational capacity until this year.
We are very grateful that our continues effort received the attention of organization working on behalf of the small and medium organizations in Canada. The Canadian government provide some fund for Small and Medium Organization through various government funded organizations across the nation. Few years ago we applied for funding for our capacity building project. We submitted our project proposal to to an organization SBCCI ( Supporting Black Canadian and community Initiative). This is an organization working on behalf of black led non for profit organization across the nation. That means we were able to get some grant for our capacity development project. This grant was provided by the government of Canada through Supporting Blacks Canadian Community Initiative program. This grant which is SBCCI gran provided to The Fanos Light through The Tropicana Community Initiative, an organization working on behalf of black led charitable organization. Tropicana work with other black led organizations to support other black led small and medium charitable organization. We are grateful to them for considering our project proposal and the need we have and provided us the grant. Now , we are working to improve our programs and also working to improve our organizational capacity for we know we need to develop our capacity to better serve our communities. We are just happy and excited to embark this new journey, which we believe is a new adventure of learning. Learning to improve, develop , and make progress for we believe every path will provide as an opportunity to learn, to fail , to grow , improve and eventually to progress and grow.
I want to take this opportunity to extend my thanks and appreciation to all who supported our works and initiations, for people who supported us in our journey, for all the volunteers who took part in our learning adventure and more importantly for supporting these amazing children and youth who comes to the Fanos Light. Thank you for becoming part of The Fanos Light , we appreciate you.