The Fanos Light After School Program was lunched with the main purpose of providing space, resource, educational aid materials, and more importantly to provide opportunities for learning. The main purpose of TFLCS Inc. is supporting children and youth education as we indicated it. Therefore, providing these learning opportunities through engaging activities, through tutoring, and mentoring program in addition to programs specifically designed based on the interest of the students are our focus.
We have had some wonderful time and moments with these children and youth in our program before we were forced to move our program to online as a result of spread of COVID-19 in Manitoba. We have observed and witnessed some exciting and inspiring moments during the program. It was really inspiring for us to see the level of excitement to come to our program, also the level of engagement, learning that took place through activities, interaction, play and homework.
We know that this is a beginning of our exciting journey to work with these children and youth, and their parents. We also know its not an easy work, but we are here to work hard with all what we must support these children. We are here to work, and to provide the support these children need for we believe in them and their potential to succeed in their studies and in other endeavors.
Thanks to the wonderful TFLCS Inc. team and volunteers who work tirelessly to plan and prepare activities that engage, inform, educate these students. We also want to thank the parents who are supporting us and entrusting their children. The TFLCS Inc. believes in the talent, and the potential of these students, and we are here to plan our role in providing the resources, and the support these children and youth need. We are here to educate, to support, to guide, and to inspire if we can. We believe together we can serve these children , their families and the communities with what we have, because we believe with a bit of compassion , sacrifice , dedication and responsibilities we would bring a difference in children’s and youth education.